Archive for the ‘Hedging’ Category

Realized Volatility and Variance: Options via Swaps

14 Feb

Article by: Peter Carr and Roger Lee
Published by: University of Chicago
Date: 26 Oct 2007

“In this paper we develop strategies for pricing and hedging options on realized variance and
volatility. Our strategies have the following features.

  • Readily available inputs: We can use vanilla options as pricing benchmarks and as hedging
    instruments. If variance or volatility swaps are available, then we use them as well. We do
    not need other inputs (such as parameters of the instantaneous volatility dynamics).
  • Comprehensive and readily computable outputs: We derive explicit and readily computable
    formulas for prices and hedge ratios for variance and volatility options, applicable at all times
    in the term of the option (not just inception).
  • Accuracy and robustness: We test our pricing and hedging strategies under skew-generating
    volatility dynamics. Our discrete hedging simulations at a one-year horizon show mean absolute
    hedging errors under 10%, and in some cases under 5%.
  • Easy modification to price and hedge options on implied volatility (VIX).

“Specifically, we price and hedge realized variance and volatility options using variance and volatility
swaps. When necessary, we in turn synthesize volatility swaps from vanilla options by the Carr-Lee
methodology; and variance swaps from vanilla options by the standard log-contract methodology.”

Full article (PDF): Link

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Posted in Hedging, Realized volatility


VolX contemplates rates, metals and stock volatility contracts

13 Dec

Article by: Siân Williams
Published by: Futures and Options Intelligence
Date: 13 Dec 2010

“The Volatility Exchange (VolX) is considering launching contracts on the volatility of metals, rates and stock indices, its chief executive told FOi.

“The exchange has a patented methodology which calculates realised volatility over a specific time period. It uses closing prices of an asset over a defined period of one, three or twelve months to calculate the asset’s volatility over that period. It contrasts with the VIX methodology, which uses options to calculate implied volatility. Implied volatility is based on perceived volatility and realised volatility is actual volatility.

“The products are similar to volatility swaps and variance swaps, which are…”

Full article (requires a subscription or payment): Link

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Posted in Hedging, Realized volatility, Trading ideas


Volatility and its Impact on Your Portfolio

21 Oct

Published by: Direxionfunds
Date: 13 Nov 2007

“Assessing risk is an important part of investing. One commonly
used measure of risk is volatility, which measures
the variability of a security’s return through time. If
Security A and Security B have the same expected return
but Security B has greater variability of return, Security B
is more volatile than Security A. Given an equal return
most investor’s would prefer a security with less volatility,
which means that investors expect a higher return on an
investment when it carries a higher level of volatility.
This paper takes a close look at the basics of volatility, discusses
why it matters in relation to portfolio management,
and suggests some methods for managing and controlling
the impact of volatility. In highly volatile markets,
heightened emotions can lead to clouded judgment.
Controlling the amount of volatility within your portfolio
can allow for more prudent decisions.”

Full article (PDF): Link

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Posted in Hedging, Investing ideas, Trading ideas


Variance Swaps on Time-Changed Levy Processes

16 Oct

Article by: Peter Carr, Roger Lee, and Liuren Wu
Published by: NYU
Date: 6 Apr 2009

“We prove that a multiple of a log contract prices a variance swap, under arbitrary exponential Levy dynamics, stochastically time-changed by an arbitrary continuous clock having arbitrary correlation with the driving Levy process, subject to integrability conditions. We solve for the multiplier, which depends only on the Levy process, not on the clock. In the case of an arbitrary continuous underlying returns process, the multiplier is 2, which recovers the standard no-jump variance swap pricing formula as a special case of our framework. In the presence of negatively- skewed jump risk, however, we prove that the multiplier exceeds 2, which agrees with calibrations of time-changed Levy processes to equity options data. Finally we show that discrete sampling increases variance swap values, under an independence condition; so if the commonly-quoted 2 multiple undervalues the continuously-sampled variance, then it undervalues furthermore the discretely-sampled variance.”

Full article (PDF): Link

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Posted in Hedging, Realized volatility, Trading ideas

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